The clinic is open again, welcome back!
Dear Clients
This page explains how I will be adapting my massage practice to continue to provide you with a safe service and the opportunity to enjoy a massage at MOTIF Massage once again.
Social distancing, as recommended by the state, is pretty much impossible for many professionals such as physiotherapists, osteopaths, dentists, hairdressers, aestheticians, as well as massage practitioners, but with the right health and safety measures in place, these services too can be safe for clients and practitioners.
What's staying the same at MOTIF Massage:
- There will be plenty of time between client appointments (as always), not only to allow time to relax and the possibility to discuss massage aftercare, but also to avoid cross-over with other clients, and allow me to carry out my thorough cleaning practice.
- Each client has fresh clean linens, and all massage equipment used is thoroughly cleaned/sanitized. Nothing new there. 😉
- As always, I wash my hands (all the way up to my elbows, as I sometimes work with my elbows 💪) with soap, both before and directly after each massage.
- And as usual, I will open and close doors for you!
What's changed:
- For prudence, both the client and I will wear a mask during the appointment.
- Clients will notice hand sanitizer available for them to use, and be given the opportunity to wash their hands with soap when they arrive.
- Clients are asked to put their phones on silent before arriving at their appointment, and keep it away for the duration of the session in order to avoid any risk of contamination.
- Cleaning and sanitizing will now include anything the client may have touched, such as the doorbell, doorknobs, credit card reader, etc.
- The room will be naturally ventilated between clients.
- If you present with CORONAVIRUS symptoms reschedule your appointment without delay, and equally if you have had a massage within the last 2 weeks and present inform me.
- Temporarily, face massages are suspended.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me.
See you very soon,
You might also like to read: Appointment Info and Massage Aftercare

Contact me today.